Knights of Columbus Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Texas State Council | Contact Us
On Saturday January 22nd, we will hold our Diocesan Organizational Meeting (In-Person) to review the plans with our council leaders as well as our Diocesan Specific Plans and Programs.
Please emphasize the importance of this meeting to your Council Leaders and stress the importance of their attendance. Not only will they gain information of the programs and direction of the State and Diocese, this is a tremendous opportunity to enjoy some sorely needed fellowship form our brothers throughout the Diocese of Dallas.
Topic: Diocese of Dallas Mid-Year Meeting, Saturday, 22-Jan-2022
Time: Jan 22, 2022 08:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 840 1230 1087
Passcode: 820294
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+13462487799,,84012301087#,,,,*820294# US (Houston)
+16699006833,,84012301087#,,,,*820294# US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 840 1230 1087
Passcode: 820294
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SK Mike Courtney
Dallas Diocesan Deputy