Assistant Diocesan Deputy
Patrick Vlk
Phone: 214-755-3545
Home Council 799
Programs: Clergy Appreciation, Football Sweepstakes
At our outstanding Annual Clergy Appreciation Banquet held in November 2021, we presented Bishop Burns our Charity Check in the amount of close to $64K. This represents the 70% of the State Charity amount paid by the Councils of the Diocese of Dallas. Our Most Reverend Bishop Burns uses this donation to fund the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities and to the Deaf throughout the Diocese.
The note of thanks from Melissa Waldon, Associate Director of the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities and to the Deaf can be seen on the right. Bishop Burns is very appreciative of our financial support and ALL the support that the Knights of Columbus in Dallas and in Texas provide for our #1 Principle of Charity!
We ask all Grand Knights to share this information with your Councils, as many may not know where their charitable donation goes, and how appreciative the recipients are to receive such support! We are determined to bring the 2021-22 Fraternal Year donation closer to $80K, as the Councils in the Diocese of Dallas WILL surpass our State Charity Goal of $114K!!
At the November 2021 Clergy Banquet we had close to 200 attendees including our two Dallas Bishops, 28 Priests, 13 Deacons and two seminarians. All throughout the evening they all expressed their great appreciation for our efforts. The evening was a great success and something to build on for the future! Our guest speaker that evening was Jeff Schiefelbein, a motivational speaker and Catholic Radio Talk Show Host, who gave a moving account of his personal family struggle and of meeting Bishop Burns at a crucial time in his life. All throughout the evening you could hear the sounds of smooth jazz playing in the background by musical guests, The Chris McGuire Quartet.
The KayCee Club personnel and staff did an outstanding job with the gourmet dinner and professional service.
Thanks to all in the Diocese of Dallas for your help in this donation and all that you do for our Parishes, our Diocese and the Order.
Let’s do it bigger and better next year!