Committee of 1000

Committee of 1000 Chairman
SK Michael Greene
Phone: 214-507-5876
Home Council 13520
Committee of 1000
The Committee of One Thousand was initiated in 1999 as a project within the Christopher Columbus Assembly 2266 in Plano. The first contributions were presented to the Bishop’s Burse, designated for the support of seminarians. The initial contribution of $400.00 was presented to Bishop Charles Grahmann.
When it became evident that a wider range of contributions would be more beneficial to the seminarians, the project was undertaken by the DDC and established as a standing committee.
An annual $10.00 donation by the members of the Committee of One Thousand represents the individual support for our seminarians. Annually a new pin is commissioned to designate seminarian support for that year.
Membership contributions are presented to the Director of Seminarians to be used as a discretionary fund to provide financial assistance to the seminarians. In the past these funds have been used to purchase books, pay tuition, provide for emergency trips home, purchase clothing for seminarians assigned to assist in parishes.
All checks for donations to the Committee of 1000 should be made out to:
Knights of Columbus – Committee of 1000.
Please send your donations (no cash please) to:
SK Michael Greene, PGK PFN
7418 Hiddencreek Drive
Dallas, Texas 75252
For the councils who have already sent in their donations, THANK YOU for your support of the Committee of l000’s efforts on behalf of our seminarians.
If I can assist you in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My email is and my cell number is 214-507-5876.
If you need additional pins please let me know and I will be happy to send them to you.
God Bless.
SK Michael Greene, PGK, PFN
Committee of 1000
Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Knights of Columbus