Silver Rose & Pilgrim Icon Director
Tony Stobb
Email: stobbdad@yahoo.com
Phone: (972) 672-6830
Home Council
Pilgrim Icon
Knights of Columbus > Faith In Action > Life > Pilgrim Icon
A Higher Purpose
Spread devotion to St. Joseph and pray for the courage to stand up and carry out our mission of protecting, defending, and raising future generations.
What is the Pilgrim Icon Program?
Every few years, the Knights of Columbus selects an icon of a saint whose patronage is particularly inspiring to Knights and their communities. Each jurisdiction is provided an icon which travels from council to council and serves as the centerpieces for prayer services in parishes throughout the Order.
- The current program is dedicated to spread devotion to St. Joseph and pray for the courage to stand up and carry out our mission of protecting, defending, and raising future generations.
- The Icon is placed in the church or gathering space, and a prayer service is held with the gathered community of Knights, Parishioners, and Community Members
- The Prayer Service consists of:
- Opening Prayer
- Liturgy of the Word (Reading, Psalm, Gospel)
- Catechesis regarding Devotion to St. Joseph
- Intercessions
- Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) and Litany of St. Joseph
- Closing Prayer
- Hosting a Pilgrim Icon Ceremony fulfills a Faith Program activity in the Faith In Action for the Star Council Award
- Prayer books in either English or Spanish Language are provided.
Our Dallas St. Joseph Icon was gifted to Bishop Mike Sis in honor of his service as the state chaplain at the 2024 Texas State Convention. As such, I no longer have the icon available for services in Dallas. I will advise when we get a new icon and what that is when I get one.
Vivat Jesus!
Tony Stobb