March For Life
The Knights of Columbus encourages others to choose life through public support of the pro-life cause. Knights can organize and participate in a local, state, provincial/regional March for Life and/or arrange for Knights, parishioners, students, etc. to participate in bus trips to national Marches in Washington, DC , Ottawa, Mexico City, in the Philippines or in other countries.
Ultrasound Program
The Knights of Columbus works as an organization to purchase ultrasound equipment for use in qualified pregnancy centers. Discounted prices for select machines are offered through preferential pricing agreements agreed to by the Supreme Council. The list of preferred machines is provided to sponsoring councils after the pregnancy center is approved for funding by the local diocese and the Supreme Council. When the state or local council raises 50% of the cost, the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council will provide the other 50% to complete the financing of the purchase of the ultrasound equipment. Or, if the council collects 100% of the cost of a vehicle equipped to serve as a mobile medical unit for the pregnancy center.
Aid & Support After Pregnancy (ASAP)
More than 3,000 pro-life pregnancy centers now operate throughout territories of the Knights of Columbus. By the very nature of its founding, the Knights of Columbus is called to care for the widow and orphan. Abortion-vulnerable unborn children and mothers experiencing unexpected pregnancies certainly fall within that mandate. With aid from the Knights, pregnancy centers can offer support to help women choose life. Councils can “adopt” a pregnancy center and provide material, labor, and spiritual support throughout the year. Through the ASAP Initiative, for every $500 your council or assembly donates to a pregnancy resource center or maternity home (up to $2,000), the Supreme Council will donate $100. Visit Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) for resources.
Special Olympics
The Knights of Columbus has a unique partnership with the Special Olympics and has helped train athletes with disabilities to compete in games around the world. Knights of Columbus councils have assisted in all aspects of the program, from fundraising to feeding athletes, organizing and judging events, as well as providing equipment and prizes. Without the support of the Knights of Columbus, the participants would not be able to train for the events they love so much.
Silver Rose
Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Novena For Life
The protection of life is an ongoing prayer intention of the Church and, in particular, of the Knights of Columbus. The Knights remain firmly committed to defending the rights of life of all human beings, from the moment of conception until natural death. To commemorate and reinforce this important cause, the councils will promote a novena, nine days of continuous prayer, to build a culture of life in our parishes, homes and in the wider community.