Knights of Columbus Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Texas State Council | Contact Us
Worthy Officers, DDs, GKs, FNs, and Brothers:
This is a last-minute request, but one that presents an opportunity for our Brother Knights to offer some real “hands-on” support to our seminarians.
Holy Trinity Seminary is remodeling its 84 dorm rooms this summer. The work will start next week. Before that happens (and the paid contractors show up), the seminary needs to remove wall-mounted bookshelves and accordion-style closet doors this Saturday.
To get this work accomplished, the seminary needs as many men as possible to show up (with tools) to get this removal accomplished.
The rendezvous point is the entrance to the Holy Trinity Seminary chapel. Holy Trinity Seminary is located at 3131 Vince Hagan Drive, Irving, Texas 75062. The date is Saturday, May 22; the time is 9:00 am.
Please forward this information to your memberships. Also, please let me know if you have any men who will be available to assist.
Vivat Jesus!! Viva Cristo Rey!!
John J. Little
RSVP Chairman
Dallas Diocese Chapter
8150 N. Central Expressway, 10th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 573-2307
(214) 394-8658 (cell)