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Knights of Columbus Diocesan Free Throw Championship

DD Kebran Alexander of District 109 is our main point of contact and the championship will be held at Bishop Dunne Catholic School in Dallas on Sunday, February 23, 2025.

Registration will begin at 11:30am.  The event will last from noon-3pm.

Once the competition for an age group has been completed, no late arrivals can be accommodated.
Once all age groups have finished, we will go into the awards ceremony.

Participant Information

    1. Don’t be late!!!  Registration will occur from 11:30am-12:30pm.
    2. The free throw competition begins promptly at 12:45pm.
    3. All participants must have the current, valid form for this year’s competition.  Birth date that counts provides the age as of January 1, 2025.  Once birth date has been verified, please write “BD VERIFIED” on the top right corner of the form (Please make sure that contact information for the parent on the form is legible).
    4. Age groups will be scheduled once we have identified the number of participants from each group who are present and signed in by 12:30pm.
    5. All winners will advance to the K of C State Free Throw Competition on March 8, 2025 at Ed White Middle School in San Antonio, TX. The formal notification for those advancing will be sent by email.

Once the competition for an age group has been completed, no late arrivals can be accommodated.

Once all age groups have finished, we will go into the awards ceremony after tabulation of results.


Knights Information

We will have a need for Brother Knights to assist in running the contest.  They must be SE cleared (please bring and wear your SE badge from your parish).   Please provide names and Council numbers for volunteering brother Knights (volunteer credit).

If the DD will not be present, please identify a brother Knight who will serve as the representative from your district who will bring the valid forms for the participants (or master list of District Participants advancing) and/or assist with the tournament, as needed.  This information can be emailed to me at no later than 5pm February 22nd.

For the Knights who are assisting:

  • Set Up at 11:00am
  • Registration will begin at 11:30am.
  • The event will last from approximately noon-3pm.

Help us to minimize confusion with the parents and participants by emphasizing the need to be on time in order to be considerate of all who will be involved.

If anyone has any questions, please (have them) call me directly at 301-404-1269.

Vivat Jesus!!!

SK Kebran Alexander
DD #109
Dallas Diocese Free Throw Competition




Sunday, February 23
11:30 am - 3:00 pm
Event Categories:
, ,


Kebran Alexander
(301) 404-1269


Bishop Dunne Catholic School
3900 Rugged
Dallas, TX 75224 United States
+ Google Map