Blessed Michael McGivney Relic Pilgrimage in Dallas Diocese


First Class Relic of Blessed Michael McGivney
Coming to the Dallas Diocese

Friday January 10th, 2025

Father Michael McGivney was the Founder of the Knights of Columbus, a worldwide Catholic Men’s fraternal group that fosters the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. From its humble beginnings at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut in 1882 the Knights of Columbus has grown to over 2.1 million men worldwide. Right here in the Dallas Diocese there are over 10,000 active Knights spread across 59 Councils. Father McGivney died on August 14th, 1890, while serving as the Pastor of St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, Connecticut.

On January 10th, 2025, a First-Class relic of Father McGivney will be on display for veneration from 12:30 PM to about 9 PM.

Blessed Michael McGivney Relic Pilgrimage in Dallas Diocese

Father McGivney was beatified on October 31st, 2020, which is a major step in the road to canonization as a Saint in the Catholic Church. Normally, beatification means that devotion and veneration may only take place within the blessed’s home Diocese (Hartford, Connecticut) but it will be possible for gatherings of Knights elsewhere to celebrate a Votive Mass in honor of Father McGivney with the permission of the local ordinary.

This day of devotion to Blessed Michael McGivney is a great honor to host and will begin at 12:30 PM with the arrival of the relic, a Rosary at 1 PM, Votive Mass at 2 PM, Mass and CUF Exemplification at 5:30 PM (English) and Mass and CUF Exemplification (Spanish) at 7:30 PM.

All, including the general public are encouraged to attend this special occasion in order to:

  1. Venerate and honor the relic of Blessed Michael McGivney
  2. Pray for a second miracle needed to progress to canonization
  3. Present your intentions to the Lord through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney

The Dallas Diocese will be the 5th of 6 stops for this venerable relic in the State of Texas. Our Color Corp will be present and all Knights, their families and friends are invited to share in all or parts of this special celebration within the Dallas Diocese.

Councils are encouraged to bring Candidates to the CUF Exemplifications (English & Spanish) scheduled for this special day.

For more information about the CUF’s contact
SK Freddy Rodriguez at