Knights of Columbus Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Texas State Council | Contact Us
The next meeting of the Knights of Columbus Dallas Diocese Chapter will take place on Thursday December 9th at Council 799 (10110 Shoreview Road, Dallas, 75238). As usual there will be food served starting at 6 PM and the meeting will begin promptly at 7 PM. Please plan on attending or having an officer or another representative of your Council attend in your place.
The agenda will include updates of important programs and initiatives of the Diocesan Chapter and will provide a good update of where we stand just prior to the midpoint of the Fraternal year. Our Leadership Team will share progress reports, outcomes and summaries of completed events and tips for helping your Council to accomplish its goals and objectives.
As most of you know, it is also a great opportunity to share experiences and fellowship with your peers and Brother Knights and The Dallas Diocesan Leadership Team. Please come and most of all please participate in this important forum as we enter the Christmas season!
Thanks for all that you and your Council are doing to foster and grow Charity, Unity and Fraternity and I look forward to seeing you on December 9th! And don’t hesitate to call or write if you have any questions or comments.
Jake Fleischer
Knights of Columbus Dallas Diocese Chapter