55th Annual KofC Bob Stras Dallas Classic Basketball Tournament Nov 30 – Dec 2
For the last 54 years, the Knights of the Dallas Diocese Chapter have presented one of Dallas’ pre-eminent high school basketball tournaments featuring 8 boys teams competing at Dallas Jesuit and 8 girls teams competing at Bishop Lynch High School. The fields for the tournament are selected by the host schools and include a mixture of some great local talent as well as teams from other parts of the state and country and sometimes even an international team. The 55th edition of the Tournament will take place at both locations between November 30th and December 2nd with 4 games at each site every day. Sponsoring this event is one of the longest standing traditions of the DDC and we need the help of all Councils and Assemblies to continue to make it a success!
The expenses related to operating the tournament are paid for though the sale of advertising in the Tournament program. Close to 60% of that advertising in the 36 page program comes from Councils, Assemblies and affiliated organizations of the Knights of Columbus. Expenses covered for the host schools include all of the trophies and medals, costs of referees and security, participant gifts for the players and coaches, signage and banners at the sites, post-game food for the players and coaches, production of the programs and many other expenses related to running the Tournament. We have been fortunate to have the long-standing support of many of our Councils and Assemblies but we would like many more to consider helping the DDC to keep this Tournament the top quality event that it has always been! So, whether you are a repeat advertiser, or whether your Council or Assembly is new to considering a sponsorship, please use this “2017 Ad Commitment” form (insert link to ad commitment form here)to submit your advertising commitment. Also, please note that the form includes an opportunity for individual Knights to commit to a Platinum Level sponsorship ($50) or a Gold Level sponsorship ($20) and to be listed in the program. Finally, if you are aware of any local businesses that would be willing to advertise in the Tournament and support our efforts they too can use the same form to submit their ads. About 40% of our advertising last year came from companies outside of the Knights of Columbus.
This DDC tradition is not only a basketball tournament – it is an opportunity to support our Catholic schools and publicize the good works and principles of our order, particularly to the youth of the Dallas community. For many of the participants, fans, parents and others, Catholic and non-Catholic, it may be their first or only exposure to these men called Knights and we want it to be a positive one! With your help, we can continue to make this event one of the cornerstone accomplishments of the Dallas Diocese Chapter!
For information related to the Tournament or advertising in the Tournament Program, please contact Brother Jake Fleischer, 2017 Tournament Chair, at fleischerjohn@msn.com or Brother Roy Rabenaldt, Diocesan Deputy and Tournament Committee Member at royrab@sbcglobal.net.