Brother Knights,

Texas Wheelchair Mission Report
Attached is the final Wheelchair Mission Donations by Diocese and Council Report for fraternal year 2023-2024. Also attached is the Wheelchair Program Report for the 2024-2025 Organizational Meeting July 5-7.
Thank you so much and God bless you to the First Lady’s Initiative, 284 Councils, 12 Assemblies and 1 Chapter that raised an absolutely incredible jurisdiction record of $1,239,052 for 8,260 wheelchairs in fraternal year 2023-2024. California, our closest competition, raised $257,693 for 1,718 wheelchairs.
Since it is estimated that each wheelchair delivered changes and improves an average of 10 lives, you have impacted the lives of 82,600 people! Through you, so many prayers have been answered.
Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman
Plano, TX