DD Gary Walton


DD Gary Walton

Brothers your prayers are requested for DD Gary Walton’s quick recovery:

From: Ed Diaz [mailto:edjdiaz60@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 2:16 PM
To: Mike Courtney <Mike.Courtney@reclaimedtextiles.com>
Subject: DD Gary Walton

Gary will be admitted to the hospital with pneumonia symptoms. His wife is recovering and doing well.

From: Gary Walton [mailto:wallygator3@hotmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2020 10:43 AM
To: joselito.hp3@gmail.com; Jim Oborny <jdjimo97@gmail.com>; gpkoenig6@gmail.comtcordero@verizon.net
Subject: Covid


Mrs. Walton and I have Covid and my Dr. has told me to stay home through the 2nd week of January.  Thus I will be unable to attend any council meetings in January.  I will email each of you a list of things to be doing before the end of January.  We would appreciate your prayers.  We are doing ok but I think we have all of the symptoms and are on meds since the test.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you up to date with things.

Vivat Jesus
Gary Walton