Diocesan Organizational Meeting Handouts
My thanks to all of you for all your help on Saturdays meeting. AS I stated in my talk and had previously discussed with several of you, I struggled with getting everyone together but as the day went on, I am glad we did! With approx. 75 brother Knights attending, I believe we have made our beginning recovery steps and can move forward doing the great works of the Knights of Columbus !
AS we discussed, attached are the Slide Presentations and handouts from the meeting on Saturday. I have also attached the listing of GK Contacts from the 185’s sent. Please fill in the missing information and return to me asap. I plan to send this information out to eh GK’s today. If there are questions or concerns, please call me to discuss.
Under separate email, I will send each of you the Insurance Field Agents assignments.
Thanks again for everything and I look forward to a great year for Dallas, the State of Texas and the Order!
SK Mike Courtney
Diocesan Deputy – Diocese of Dallas
Let’s get it done. Back to Basics, No Excuses