Entries for Diocesan “Awards of Excellence” Now Open!

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Reminder :
Awards of Excellence Entries Due June 16!

Worthy Grand Knights, District Deputies and Others,

Thank you to all of you who have already submitted nominations for The Dallas Diocese Knights of Columbus Council of the Year, Knight of the Year and Chaplain of the Year. This is just a reminder that we have about 3 weeks remaining to submit any additional nominations in any or all of the 3 categories. All of the very simple requirements are contained below in my note of April 20th and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. The “Awards of Excellence” winners will be recognized at the Diocesan Kick Off meeting.

Our Diocese has had a very productive year topped off recently by our highly successful hosting of the Texas State Council Convention. We have much to be proud of and to brag a little bit about, especially when it comes to our people. Remember the phrase from the famous Walt Whitman : ” If you done it, it ain’t bragging! “.

Thanks for all you have done to make 2022/23 a great fraternal year in Dallas and please share the great work of your Council, your Chaplain and a special Knight that has made a difference in the last year.


Jake Fleischer
Dallas Diocese Chapter President

Knights of Columbus
Dallas Diocese Chapter Awards

Council of the Year
Chaplain of the Year
Knight of the Year

April 20, 2023
Worthy Grand Knights of the Dallas Diocese,

As I announced at the March 30th Dallas Diocese Chapter meeting, entries are now being accepted for Dallas Diocese Council of the Year, Chaplain of the Year and Knight of the Year for the 2022/23 fraternal year. All of you likely have a great story to tell about your council, your chaplain or a particular Knight but the biggest challenge is finding someone in your council to take the initiative to write the story and submit it! Once again, we are trying to make that task as easy as possible for you! First of all, for all three awards, there are no forms to fill out with no pre-set questions! You can tell your story in whatever way you wish – one page or five pages, with pictures or without, the format is all your choice. We once again have a panel of three Sir Knights with extensive experience in the diocese who will be serving as our judges for all 3 awards.

Here is all you need to know to enter:

  • Please submit all entries via email to: johnfleischer7@gmail.com
  • You may enter 1,2 or all 3 Award categories
  • All entries must be received no later than Friday, June 16th
  • Awards will be announced at the July Diocesan Kick-Off Meeting
  • Councils and Knights must be in good standing to be eligible

Thanks for your consideration and please ask someone within your Council to take on the task of developing entries as soon as possible. Finally, please don’t hesitate to call or write if you have any questions about the Awards of Excellence.


Jake Fleischer
Dallas Diocese Chapter President