
Annual Report of the Supreme Knight
142nd Supreme Convention
Québec City, Canada, August 2024
On Mission – In his annual report on August 15, 2024, the supreme knight urges Knights to take up the challenge of bringing Christ to the world with hope and joy.
- New life insurance issued: $7.5B
- Annualized premiums from life insurance sales: $116M
- New life certificates: 42,061
- Certificates in force: 1,716,315
- Agents: 1,022
- Standard & Poor’s rating: AA+
- A.M. Best rating: A+ (Superior)
- Members who keep their policies: 96%
- Net income: $55M
- Surplus: $2.8B
Culture of Life
- Ultrasound machines: 1,865
- Value of machines: $88.9M
- ASAP donations: $5,074,679
- ASAP Pregnancy Resource Centers & Maternity Homes supported: 1,224
- ASAP councils & assemblies participating: 1,636
- Total donations: $193M
- Total volunteer hours: 47.5M
- Persecuted Christians Fund: ($33.1M since 2014)
- Knights of Columbus Coats for Kids: 224,696
- Food drives: $11.7M
- Special Olympics: $4.6M
- Habitat for Humanity: $726,849
- Wheelchairs: 11,903 (139,087 since 2003)
- Blood donors: 288,845
- Scholarships: $7.6M from councils
- Total assets: $30.3B
- Amount invested daily: $7.5M (2023)
- Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors clients: 2,805
- ChurchLoan portfolio: $86.9M
Fourth Degree
- Sir Knights: 371,426
- Assemblies: 3,676
- Vicarius Christi Fund donation: $1.6M (in 2023)
- Vicarius Christi Fund cumulative total: $68.8M (since 1982)
- RSVP donations: $4.1M (in 2023)
- RSVP cumulative total: $97.8M
- Total K of C units participating in RSVP: 2,704
- Total members: 2,136,963
- Intake for 2023-24 Fraternal Year: 92,481 (102.8% of 90,000 goal)
- Total councils: 16,896
- College Knights: 33,927
- College councils: 332
- eMembers: 34,363 for 2023-2024 (142,261 since inception)
- eMembers moved to councils: 22,846 for 2023-2024 (85,840 since inception)
- PATRICK E. KELLY Supreme Knight
- PATRICK T. MASON Supreme Secretary
- JOHN A. MARRELLA Supreme Advocate
- ARTHUR L. PETERS Deputy Supreme Knight
- RONALD F. SCHWARZ Supreme Treasurer
- ANDRZEJ ANASIAK Supreme Warden
- CARL A. ANDERSON Past Supreme Knight
- Carmine V. Musumeci New York, New York
- Anthony V. Minopoli Shelton, Connecticut
- Antonio Bañuelos Pleasant Hill, Iowa
- Daniel Duchesne Trois-Rivières, Québec
- Scott A. O’Connor Plantation, Florida
- Stephen J. Kehoe Fairfax, Virginia
- John J. Kennedy New Haven, Connecticut
- Jamey C. Roth Victoria, Kansas
- Jorge C. Estrada Avilés Mérida, Yucatán
- Colin R. Jorsch Jr. Fayetteville, North Carolina
- Arcie J. Lim Vancouver, British Columbia
- Sean E. Halpain Chandler, Arizona
- John S. Appelbaum Imperial, Missouri
- Michael A. Benson North Kingstown, Rhode Island
- Antonio F. Pascua Las Vegas, Nevada
- Alfredo A. Vela Rio Grande City, Texas
- Michael R. McCusker Memphis, Tennessee
- Rene V. Sarmiento Quezon City, Luzon North
- Rene Trevino Poway, California
Download full 2024 Annual Report