I want to thank the councils and Grand Knights who have sent in their donations to support the Committee of 1000 so far this year. Please check out the attached October Summary to verify your council’s participation in this year’s Committee of 1000 drive.
As you know the goal of the Committee of 1000 is to provide fun ds to the Director of Seminarians to support the unexpected events that can occur in the life of a seminarian. Making a $10.00 donation for the annual Praying Hands pin is a personal donation from brother knights to support our seminarians.
So far this year, with your help we have raised over $5,000 to support our seminarians! But we are not quite done yet. If your council has not yet made a donation to the Committee of 1000 you still have time.
If I can help you in any way with your campaign supporting the Committee of 1000 please contact me. My email address is My cell number is 214-507-5876.
Thank you to all who have already made your donations supporting the Committee of 1000. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Please remember to make your checks out to Knights of Columbus DDC. Add Committee of 1000 in the memo area of your check. Mail the check (no cash please) to SK Michael Greene, 7418 Hiddencreek Drive, Dallas TX 75252.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the October DDC meeting at Prince of Peace.