Father Jason and Brother Knights,
Santa Maria Council #6065, at St. Mark the Evangelist in Plano and the Dallas Diocese, held a very successful 7th Annual Wheelchair Sunday over the past two weekends. $54,891 ($10,631 in loose cash) was collected at the 15 Masses, and $3,800 was received online, for a total of $58,691 for 391 wheelchairs. That already far exceeds the $52,407 for 349 raised last fraternal year, with additional donations expected online or mailed.
$42,000 of their funds will be used to provide a large container of 280 wheelchairs for the Cancun CRIT Center in Mexico. The rest will be used where there is the greatest need.
There were 26 Our Lady of Guadalupe lithographs given out to donors of $500 or more.
Thank you so much to Fr. Jason Cargo, for his awesome support by allowing the Knights to read a pulpit talk and show a video at all the Masses the first weekend. Thanks also to the numerous Brother Knights that helped to collect funds and read the pulpit talks, especially Brother Oscar Sanchez who was there helping at all the Masses both weekends. And many thanks to the St. Mark parishioners for their extreme kindness and generosity in providing all these life changing wheelchairs.
God bless all of you.
Fr. Jason,
I apologize for not answering until now; I have been in other wheelchair distributions.
First, thank you for traveling with us to Chihuahua; your presence blessed our team and the children.
Congratulations on this very successful Wheelchair Sunday. Thank you for your incredible support, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Thank you to your Knights Council for making this happen.
We are ready to organize the next trip and witness the enormous help you and your parishioners bring to many children and their families.
Many Blessings, Fr. Jason and Brother Knights,
Ricardo Guzman.
Ricardo Guzman Hefferan
Executive Director
American Wheelchair Mission
906 W. McDermott Drive, Suite 116-282
Allen, Texas 75013-5426 USA
Cell: +1(214)762-6461
E-mail: rguzmanh@amwheelchair.org
Answering Prayers with the Gift of Mobility Worldwide
You are so welcome! I am so proud of our KOC team and of our Parish! We are doing so much good and I love that we are a parish on mission!
Fr. Jason Cargo
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church
St. Mark Catholic Church forms missionary disciples to transform the world by creating welcoming communities and providing life-changing encounters with Jesus Christ.
Parish Center
1105 W 15th Street
Plano, TX 75075
(972) 423-5600
Strategic, Ideation, Belief, Connectedness, Input
Dear Father Jason
I express my infinite gratitude for the great support we received from you in our annual collection for wheelchairs. We far exceeded our collection from last year and we hope that the current amount will continue to increase in the coming days. Once again, thank you for your collaboration in the delivery of the chairs in Chihuahua last August and for your willingness to support this noble cause of charity to our fellow men, which benefits many children and parents in need of our support.
May our Lord continue to bless you and fill you with wisdom.
Vivat Jesus
Oscar Sanchez
GK Council 6065
Thank you Brothers and Father Cargo for this spectacular effort on the part of St. Mark the Evangelist parish and Santa Maria Council 6065. This was a herculean effort on the part of many and a tribute to the never ending generosity of the St. Mark Community! I am sure many were moved by the video and Father Jason’s personal involvement in the distribution trip. God bless you all!
Vivat Jesus,
Jake Fleischer
District Deputy, District 111
Thank you to everyone that made this happen! The efforts of all the Council members and the generosity of the parishioners at St. Marks is truly appreciated!
Vivat Jesus,
Mike Courtney
Dallas Diocesan Deputy
Dear Fr. Jason and Brother Knights,
Wow! God bless you all!
We so deeply appreciate your continuing phenomenal support of our life-changing mission.
For anyone who has witnessed the prayers being answered for entire families with the gift of mobility, I am preaching to the choir. The ability we have to do God’s work on earth is the most joyous gift I have ever received, and I am so happy to share this common thread of humanity with so many wonderful people in the state of Texas.
We are truly blessed, and I thank you most sincerely.
Christopher J. Lewis
American Wheelchair Mission
2505 Anthem Village Drive, Suite E 602
Henderson, Nevada 89052 USA
(702) 580-0705
Answering Prayers with the Gift of Mobility Worldwide