Msgr. Bell and Brother Knights,
Our Lady of Angels Council 13044 in Allen collected $8,285 the second weekend of their Wheelchair Drive and received another $1,000 in online donations. That brings their very successful drive total to $17,835 for 119 wheelchairs to benefit the CRIT Center in Guanajuato, Mexico. More parishioners took forms home with them over the weekend and their Council plans on making a donation.
Thank you so much to Msgr. Bell, Brother Brad Meyer and his daughter Morgan, Council 13044 and the parishioners of Our Lady of Angels for all helping to provide these life changing gifts of mobility. God bless all of you.
Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman
Christopher J. Lewis
American Wheelchair Mission
(702) 580-0705
Answering Prayers with the gift of Mobility worldwide
Msgr. Bell and Brother Knights,
God bless you for all you are doing to provide mobility to the people we serve.
You are the answer to their prayers.
Thank you so much,