Great News: The Program Advertising deadline has been extended!
Brothers we’re extending our deadline for Program Advertising by one week in order to facilitate participation from more businesses, councils, assemblies, chapters and individual knights. The response has been outstanding so far, but we believe there are many more waiting until the last minute. And that’s okay.
New Deadline: Midnight on Friday, March 27, 2020.
We want to encourage all councils to share with your Texas brother knights the good news about who you are, where you are and what you do in your communities.
Starting for as little as $75 for a quarter page ad, or $110 for a half page ad or $200 for a full page ad, you can buy enough ad space to tell your story, and send a photo too. The 2020 Dallas Convention program book is certain to become a treasured souvenir and take its rightful place on the shelves of bookcases in the homes of brother knights all across the great State of Texas.