Dear Brothers,
Please do what you can to distribute this to your council… without you the Pro-Life movement in Dallas will not be as robust as it could be.
Knights of Columbus Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Texas State Council | Contact Us
Dear Brothers,
Please do what you can to distribute this to your council… without you the Pro-Life movement in Dallas will not be as robust as it could be.
This is the 50th Anniversary of the Hike for Life – Started in 1973 in a direct response to Roe v Wade, the H4L has been working to defend Life and ensure that Pro-Life ministries have the funds they need to defend and protect Life.
The Hike for Life belongs to each and every Knight in Dallas, so I am asking that you support the Hike on ots 50th anniversary like never before.
Never been to a Hike – go
Never contributed – collect a few dollars and sponsor someone
Never volunteered at a Hike – consider doing so.
Always go to a Hike – Please come back!
Each of the ministries are hoping that we can provide then with the same funds or more – but it will not just happen – I need as many Knights and their families to Hike for Life. When you Hike – you are helping moms and saving babies!
McKinney – 9/30/2023 –
Garland – 10/14/2023 – (This date and place is now subject to change – I am still waiting on the city for a permit and I might have to move the hike – stay tuned for details)
Dallas Bachman Lake – 10/21/2023 –
Dallas Flag Pole Hill – 10/28/2023 –
Waxahachie – 10/7/2023 – Benefits Firstlook (Waxahachie) –
El Paso – 10/14/2023 – Benefits Guiding Star (El Paso) –
Please consider being a point of contact for your Council and parish – we need the parishes to know about the Hikes as soon as possible.
Help the Hike help the ministries that protect Life. Sponsor a Hiker today.
An Evening of Celebration & Praise with Mark Houck – Mark Houck and his family made headlines around the world when 25 FBI agents raided their Pennsylvania home, guns drawn. Mark faced multiple felonies, prison time and $350,000 in fines for sidewalk counseling and defending his son from an aggressive abortion activist. Mark was promptly acquitted in January. Come hear his amazing story.
To buy tickets please go to: – I hope to see you there.
Both the White Rose and Birth Choice are in need of the following:
Both are in need of volunteers also to counsel and help in other ways.
Consider hosting a Baby Shower at your parish for one of both PRC’s.
Adoration is each First Friday of the month at Birth Choice with the intention that abortion ends in this country.
To get on the mailing list to sign up please contact Jim Hickey at
Immediately following 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Chapel. Gather with us in present or private prayer, as we supplicate for LIFE from conception to natural death. For more information, contact Maria Castillo-Lopez,
Immediately following 8:00 a.m. Mass in the Chapel. Gather with us in present or private prayer, as we supplicate for LIFE from conception to natural death. For more information, contact Maria Castillo-Lopez,
Thank you brothers – God bless!!
President – Hike for Life Inc