St. Andrew Kim Wheelchair Sunday Update


St. Andrew Kim Wheelchair Sunday Update

Brother Knights,

St. Andrew Kim Council 17146 in Irving and the Dallas Diocese held a Wheelchair Sunday over the weekend and raised $12,365 for 82 wheelchairs. All 10 of Our Lady of Guadalupe lithographs brought to the event were given out to 10 donors of $500 or more. Their funds will be used towards providing a large container of 280 wheelchairs for the CRIT Center in Chiapas, Mexico.

Thank you so much to Fr. Nam Gil Kim for his awesome support. He allowed the Knights to show a video and read a pulpit talk at all the masses and he helped support the mission with a donation.

Thanks also to Brother Dr. Greg Jeong for coordinating the event, helping at all the masses and reading the pulpit talk at all the masses, just like he did a couple of years ago.

Grateful to the other Brother Knights that helped collect donations and to the parishioners of St. Andrew Kim for their generosity in providing all these wheelchairs.

God bless all of you.

Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman

Alfredo Vela,
Texas State Deputy

Great job by Council 17146.  This council is fairly new. They are getting started and showing the first principle of the Order, Charity.

Thank you to all that made this happen.

Christopher J. Lewis
American Wheelchair Mission
(702) 580-0705

Answering Prayers with the gift of Mobility worldwide

Dear Brother Knights and Fr. Nam,

Greetings from Tampico, Mexico.

Thank you so much for your wonderful support of our life changing mission.

Your efforts will help us answer many prayers for entire families.

We sincerely appreciate everyone involved.

God bless you,


Derek W. Rabey
SCC Director

Brother Bill,

Excellent news yet again. It is so great to see good works such as this taking place across Texas.

Thank you for the work you are doing.

Please pass along my thanks to all who had a hand in making this possible.


