Texas Brother Knights,

Texas Wheelchair Mission Report
The Knights of Columbus work in partnership with the American Wheelchair Mission to provide wheelchairs to an estimated over 100 million people worldwide that need one, but can’t afford one.
Some highlights of the Wheelchair Program:
- Wheelchairs allow children to go to school for the first time, adults to go to work, and the elderly to get out of bed.
- Wheelchairs are a life changing gift of mobility that answer prayers and deliver hope, dignity, freedom and independence.
- It is estimated that each wheelchair delivered changes and improves an average of 10 lives.
- Retailing at $500, each wheelchair is delivered at an average cost of $150.
- 100% of a donation goes towards the purchase and delivery of a wheelchair, as a Knights of Columbus grant covers overhead costs.
- A $150 donation allows you to request a personalized Certificate of Thanks, which includes a photo of a wheelchair recipient.
- A $500 donation allows you to request a framed 34” x 23” Our Lady of Guadalupe lithograph, blessed at her Basilica in Mexico City.
- A Council donation of $1,500 for 10 wheelchairs counts 2 program credits towards earning the Columbian Award.
- Wheelchair Sundays are the most effective way to raise funds for this program and are also a great way to recruit new members.
- Helping at a Wheelchair Sunday counts as an event towards earning your Pro Life ACE Wings.
Attached is the Wheelchair Mission Donations by Diocese and Council received as of July 31, 2024. Thank you and God bless you to the 28 Councils that have donated a total of $20,789 for 138 wheelchairs this fraternal year. At this time last fraternal year, 28 Councils donated $39,837 for 265 wheelchairs.
The goal for District Deputies this fraternal year, is to have all their Councils donate at least $150 for one wheelchair and have at least one of their Councils hold a Wheelchair Sunday.
Please make checks payable to American Wheelchair Mission and include the attached donation form. To donate online, please visit amwheelchair.org/donate and select “Knights of Columbus” in the Campaign field and enter your Council Number in the Organization/Council field.
If you have questions about the Wheelchair Program, need help with a Wheelchair Sunday, or need wheelchairs, please contact me or Assistant Wheelchair Chairman Brian Nelson at abn091951@gmail.com or 210-275-7921.
Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman