Texas Wheelchair Mission

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Texas Wheelchair Mission Report

Texas Brother Knights,

Brother Knights,

Attached is the Wheelchair Mission Donations by Diocese and Council received as of October 31, 2024. Thank you and God bless you to the 73 Councils that donated a total of $170,431 for 1,136 wheelchairs this fraternal year. At this time last fraternal year, 70 Councils and the First Lady’s Initiative donated $141,784 for 945 wheelchairs.

The State goal is to exceed the jurisdiction record of $1,239,052 for 8,260 wheelchairs raised last fraternal year.

The goal for District Deputies to have all their Councils donate at least $150 for one wheelchair and have at least one of their Councils hold a Wheelchair Sunday.

Please make checks payable to American Wheelchair Mission and include the attached donation form. To donate online, please visit amwheelchair.org/donate and select “Knights of Columbus” in the Campaign field and enter your Council Number in the Organization/Council field.

Brother Brian Nelson will be at the following parishes helping with Wheelchair Sundays the first half of the fraternal year:

Padre Pio #13704 – San Antonio – Nov. 9-10
St. Mark the Evangelist #7613 – San Antonio – Nov. 16-17
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel #6413 – Portland – Nov. 23-24
St. Rose of Lima #11599 – San Antonio – Dec. 14-15

If you have questions about the Wheelchair Program, need help with a Wheelchair Sunday, or need wheelchairs, please contact me or Assistant Wheelchair Chairman Brian Nelson at abn091951@gmail.com or 210-275-7921.


Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman