You are receiving this note because your Council or Assembly has been a long time supporter and sponsor of the Knights of Columbus Bob Stras Dallas Classic Basketball Tournament which has been a Dallas Diocesan Chapter annual event for the last 57 years. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a concern for the health and safety of the players, coaches and fans, the 58th Annual edition of the event which was to take place this December has been cancelled. We announced this in the recent Diocesan Organizing meeting on August 1st but wanted to make sure that all Councils or Assemblies who may have budgeted advertising funds in their 2020/21 budgets were made aware of this situation so that those funds can be dedicated to other worthy causes in these difficult times.
We also would like to thank you all for your dedicated support of the Tournament. About 69% of the Tournament revenue comes from Knights of Columbus Councils, Assemblies, affiliated organizations and from Individual Knights. Without you, this event could not have become the premier athletic event that it is today. It has also become a wonderful opportunity for us to not only support our Catholic high schools but also to reach the youth of the area, Catholic and otherwise, to explain “Who Are These Men Called Knights?” and what we stand for – something they might otherwise never experience.
We will be back in December of 2021 – bigger and better than ever! We hope that we can once again call on you for your support to keep this 58 year tradition going for many more years to come! Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks again!
Jake Fleischer
2020 Committee Chair
The Knights of Columbus Bob Stras Dallas Classic Basketball Tournament