![DD Mike Courtney](https://www.kofcdallas.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Meeting-DDC-2020-08-27-6-of-7.jpg)
Brothers All,
I wish to thank all of you that were able to attend in person the DDC Meeting held at 799. As promised, President Patrick hammered the gavel promptly at 7:00 and we were out of there with all information presented by 8:15! Great job men! Congrats to our newly elected Officers for the 2020-21 Fraternal Year:
- President – Patrick Vlk
- Vice President – Jorge Ruiz
- Treasurer – Richard Gehring
- Secretary – Jake Fleischer
I understand that the attendance was low and many of you were with us in spirit but I want to emphasize the message from our Worthy Past Diocesan Deputy Roy Rabenaldt, we cannot sit on our hands and wait for this pandemic to end before we get into action! We MUST finds ways to be of service NOW! Fr. Joseph gave a great message asking us to continue to reach out to our brother Knights and not to forget the spouse or the widows of our fallen brothers. Please see to it that our councils are doing that and are leaving no neighbor behind!
A few reminders of upcoming events:
- Thursday September 10 – Diocesan Degree Ceremony at 8954 St. Josephs in Richardson. DD Kevin to provide more details. FYI, our Worthy State Deputy Alfredo Vela plans to attend this ceremony!
- Friday September 11, Family Fish Fry with optional Drive thru at Council 5052
- Friday September 11, Kaufman Council 11721 Fish Fry to feed the local Hospital Staff
- Saturday September 19, 4th Degree Exemplification – Council Hall 5052
- Weekends of Oct. 3/4 and 10/11 Wheelchair Sunday Council 6065 @ St. Marks in Plano
Brothers, we have 63 Councils in the Diocese of Dallas and over 15K members! These 15K men are looking to us, the leaders of the Diocese of Dallas to see what we are doing. If we as leaders are not active, how can we ask our Councils to do so. I urge you to have regular conversations with your GK’s and officers of your Councils. Keep them apprised of what is upcoming. Remind them of the training available online from Supreme. Ask them what they have planned and attend a virtual meeting. Ask them when the last time they spoke to their Pastors and asked what the parish is in need of. I am sure every parish could use some help but often don’t ask. Be proactive and get ahead of the game! For those attending the meeting, you saw how receptive Fr. Joseph was to a Wheelchair Sunday at St. Michael the Archangel in Garland and was surprised we didn’t hold one this past Fraternal Year! All we need to do is ask! What’s the worst thing that can happen, the pastor says they need no help and all is good? I strongly doubt that will be the answer! Remember, where there is a need, there is a Knight!
My home Council 11862 has a slogan that is near and dear to me. The slogan goes, “Pick ONE thing and do it better than anyone else!”. I am asking you to adopt this message and get outside our comfort zone. Let’s lead the way in action. I am sure the councils will follow!
Thank you for all you do and I ask the Good Lord to watch over each of you and yours as you go about your work to be of greater service to Him and our fellow man!
SK Mike Courtney
Diocesan Deputy – Diocese of Dallas
Let’s get it done. Back to Basics, No Excuses