Dallas Diocesan Organizational Meeting and Pro Life Notes for July


Dallas Diocesan Organizational Meeting and Pro Life Notes for July

Brothers all,

Welcome to a new fraternal year, almost.

I have a couple of requests to make of you.

First is this note

We all get pounded with requests for this and that – so I understand if you are not excited about getting yet another note from the Diocese, but this is an easy request.

Please forward this note onto your Council or the Brother that is in charge of communications… I really need the Pro Life notes to get out for everyone to see.

You personally might not be interested in what is going on in the Pro Life Ministries – I was a GK once and that is how I used to feel… 

But all it took was one event and my life changed. If you are interested here is my Pro Life Conversion Testimony – https://www.prolifedallas.org/Bishops_Dinner_Testimonials-2021

So please get this and all future notes out to your council – it could change a life that might save a Life!

Next is also simple – who should receive the notes I send out – you, the next GK, your Pro Life Chairman, all 3 choices?

At the Org meeting coming up I will request that you provide an e-mail address (or addresses) to those to contact on Pro Life Items – Please do not respond to this e-mail at this time with this information – I am hoping to get a clean list for 2021-22 and now is not the time as I know many Councils are just now coming back online, so let’s wait until the Org Meeting.

The Organizational meeting will have a sidebar meeting solely on the subject of Pro Life. I request that each council please bring a member of the council that can attend this meeting… even if that member is not the Pro Life Chairman of the Council… I need butts in the chairs willing to take the message back with them to the council. The Grand Knights will not be allowed to attend the sidebar – they are needed in the main meeting and I do not want them to miss anything that the Diocese or the State will be presenting.

The Org Meeting is Saturday July 31st – more details will follow from our Diocesan Deputy, Mike Courtney – Please plan on attending and please invite your Pro Life Chairman to attend, or someone in his stead.

Next is a request from the CPLC 

Mass and Rosary at Birth Choice – Saturday July 10th – 8:30 to 11
Knights are needed to assist with crowd control – Need 6 to 8 Knights to help keep this an orderly and safe event.

The CPLC is going to have the Summer Mass at Birth Choice this year! Mass is at 8:30am on Saturday, July 10. After Mass, a few volunteers will stay behind for Adoration while the rest of us walk over to the prayer site in front of Southwestern to pray all the Mysteries of the Pro-Life Rosary. When the Rosary is finished, we’ll walk back to Birth Choice for Benediction. We should be done no later than 11am.

Here’s the tricky part. We need to make sure people don’t stroll through the parking lot of Southwestern Abortion Clinic, trespassing and causing Southwestern to call the police. We’ve also been concerned about people and their kids getting too close to the street and also as they cross the street from Gaston Oaks. We don’t have much luck with encouraging them to go to the light at the corner. Knights are needed to help with crowd control and safety… Can you assist? For information on the Mass please go to: https://www.prolifedallas.org/calendar__view?id=3614   
To volunteer to be a marshal please contact Tom Clark at tjclark123@gmail.com – Please put CPLC Marshal in the subject line so I do not miss it – need your name, Council #, Cell number and email. There will be a meeting (virtual) a couple of days before the event so that we all know what needs to occur. Susan Platt with the CPLC will be in attendance.

Hike for Life 2021

The Hike has suffered several losses of late. The death of an old friend, Bob Seegmiller in late 2020, our Chaplain, Father Morris, has stepped down due to family issues/illness, and several sites have had to be closed down due to lack of staffing. 2021 is going to be more challenging in some ways than 2020. There will be a number of Hike Site this year – McKinney, Garland, Dallas, Flag Pole Hill, Dallas Bachman Lake, and our independent Hike in the Southern tip of the Dallas Diocese – Waxahachie – will all have events. The other sites that you are used to seeing may or may not be able host a site. The Garland Site is being renovated by the city and I am still waiting to hear if my request for an event will be granted… to name one issue we are looking at.

Prayers for success of the Hike is appreciated and needed – several of the Ministries we support are largely dependent upon the check we provide them each January.

Brothers – Thank you all for your time – Be blessed!!!

Tom Clark
Texas State Pro Life Chairman
Texas State Council KofC
President – Hike for Life Inc