Dallas Diocese Chapter 2021-2022 RSVP Program

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Dallas Diocese Chapter, 2021-2022 RSVP Program

Friday, June 24, 2022

Worthy Officers, DDs, GKs, FNs, and Brothers (and Rev. Bishops Burns and Kelly and Fathers Paul, Zach, James, Fernando, Alan, and Loyd):

I am attaching my sixth and final RSVP report for this fraternal year concerning our Diocesan RSVP Program for seminarian support. I’m happy to say that we had a very solid year in this program. Congratulations to all who participated in this year’s program.

We ended the year with 57 Diocesan seminarians (6 of whom have been ordained to the transitional diaconate) and 6 newly ordained priests.

As a reminder, it is our Diocesan goal is to provide each of our Diocesan seminarians with at least 2 sponsors of $500.00 each. A secondary goal is get each of these men at least 1 sponsorship check by September 30, 2021, and a second check by January 31, 2022 – remember, these men are basically in college or graduate school and need funding for expenses just like any other college or graduate school student.

We reached our goal for this fraternal year, and surpassed it for many of our seminarians.

We had 38 Councils, 6 Assemblies, and 1 Squire Circle participate in the program this year. Collectively, 205.50 sponsorships were pledged and 203.50 sponsorships were funded. The two that went unfunded were pledged to seminarians who discerned out of formation. Put differently, we collectively donated $101,750 to seminarian support through this program during this fraternal year.

Congratulations to Districts 105, 106, 111 and 114, which have all Councils in the District participating.

We have 43 seminarians who received three (or more) sponsorships pledged; those men are highlighted in rose on the attached reports.

Remember – if your Council/Assembly/Circle has funded your RSVP sponsorships, your next step is to complete Form 2863 and submit it to Supreme to claim your refund ($100 for each $500 sponsorship). Form 2863 must be accompanied by copies of the canceled checks (front and back). June 30, 2022 is the last day to submit your Form 2863 to claim your refund!!

As noted above, we had 6 men ordained to the priesthood on June 4. They are:

  1. Father Cristian Casado Carmona
  2. Father Ricardo Reyes
  3. Father Michael Likoudis
  4. Father Herbert Sebastian Martinez
  5. Father Elijah Thomson
  6. Father Lucas Moreira de Sales

We also had 7 seminarians ordained as transitional deacons back in April. They are:

  1. Deacon Alex Fry
  2. Deacon Vu Nguyen
  3. Deacon Cesar Garcia
  4. Deacon Dennis O’Donnell
  5. Deacon Kevin Kolker
  6. Deacon Miguel Sotelo
  7. Deacon Juan E. Rojas

A special thanks to the Councils/Assemblies/Circles that have supported these men during their formation!

My usual reports are attached, as follows:

1- The first document attached is the standard list of seminarians, grouped by seminary and/or category.

2- The second document summarizes how we are doing as a Diocese.

3- The third document attached is a report organized by District (for Councils), Assembly and Squire Circle.
If you want to see the information I have for your Council, Assembly or Squire Circle, look at this document.

If anyone prefers to receive these reports in their native Excel form, send me an email and I’ll send them along.

Vivat Jesus!! Viva Cristo Rey!!

John J. Little
RSVP Chairman
Dallas Diocese Chapter

8150 N. Central Expressway, 10th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 573-2307
(214) 394-8658 (cell)