Dallas Knights Called to Action


Dallas Knights Called to Action

My Brothers Knights and Dallas Leaders,

Our Most Reverend Bishop Edward J. Burns has asked for our help.  His Celebration of Mass each Sunday from the Cathedral has grown in viewership tremendously during this health crisis. He has asked us to be the sponsor of the broadcast on FOX 4 TV.  The cost is $3,500 per Sunday and the broadcasts are scheduled to run for 8 weeks.  We have committed to support our Bishops and Priests and to be in Solidarity with them. 

Brothers, our first principle of Charity is requested.  We need to raise $30,000

The Dallas Diocese Chapter has made a commitment of $5,000, mostly from monies which were graciously donated to the chapter by Texas councils in lieu of refunds from the canceled convention.  Bishop Burns’ home council and home association, “The Great 799” has donated $7,000.

We are asking the major councils to commit to $1,000 each and smaller councils to commit to $500This is an immediate action item.  The Knights will get due recognition from the Bishop during the broadcast and also as a banner advertising membership as a part of the broadcast.  

Please hold a virtual telephone and video conference with your councils to approve the donation from your charity fund.  Checks should be payable to the Dallas Chapter and sent to my office, as soon as possible.     

Our fellow Knight Bishop Burns is calling on us for support of him, the church and our Catholic Faith.  We cannot let him down.

Vivat Jesus.

Roy D. Rabenaldt, CPA, CGMA

2280 Springlake Rd. Ste. 104
Dallas, TX 75234-5851
972-484-6717 (fax)