Calling All Men To Join Us


Calling All Men To Come Join The Knights

The Dallas Diocese Chapter Membership Recruiting Drive

Starting retroactive to April 1 to June 30, we will have a Dallas Membership Recruiting Drive, culminating in 5 drawings for $100 each for councils.

“Father McGivney’s vision was that every Catholic Gentleman become a member of the Knights of Columbus, to be in Solidarity with our Bishops & Priests in the much needed support of the church.”

Roy Rabenaldt, Dallas Diocesan Deputy


Each council that recruits 15% of its membership goal between April 1 to June 30, gets one chance for each new member. If you recruit more than the 15%, you get two chances per each additional new member. 

  1. The 15% goal is rounded up, e.g. the membership goal is 16 @ 15% equals 2.4 new members; rounded up, the goal is 3.
  2. A council recruits 5 members in this case, gets 3 chances for the 3 members, and 4 more chances for the additional 2, for a total of 7 chances.
  3. Each of the 5 drawings are separate. Which means one council could win all $500, if they had 5 or more chances.
  4. The drawings will be held at the Dallas Organizational Meeting, tentatively scheduled for July 25th, 2020.


Roy Rabenaldt,
Dallas Diocesan Deputy