DDC Fall 2024 Meeting & Presentation Slides
The Dallas Diocese Chapter of the Knights of Columbus had its fall meeting on Saturday October 12, 2024 at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Plano. The meeting was well attended by brother Knights from councils all over the Diocese.
The agenda for the meeting went as follows:
- Prayer and Pledge
- Opening Remarks – Jake Fleischer, Mike Courtney
- Safe Environment Program – Mike Hemphill, Chuck Johnson, Jorge Ruiz
- Break
- Chapter Dues – Jake Fleischer
- Basketball Tournament final update – Jake Fleischer
- Clergy Appreciation Banquet kickoff – Mike Courtney
- Investing in Light of Faith – KC Kenney, Insurance Agent
- Misc, Program Updates – Jake Fleischer
- Closing Remarks and Prayer – Mike Courtney
- 1:1 Visits with Program Directors – ALL
Chapter Dues
The Dallas Diocese Chapter is the organization that represents all active Knights of Columbus Councils in the Diocese and that provides Marketing, Communications, Training and other services for the Councils as a whole. Some examples of this are the DDC website (kofcdallas.org), advertising at diocesan and other events, upcoming webinars related to safe environment, meeting expenses and other services.
All of these things and others have a cost attached to them. In the past, we have been able to cover most of these expenses with revenue generated from State Conventions that Dallas hosted every 3 years and through special events like golf tournaments. These sources of funding have been diminished recently and we are unable to fund all of the services necessary without some minimal support from our member Councils. This is not the first time we have instituted a program like this and many other Chapters (i.e. Fort Worth) have used a “Chapter Dues” system for years.
We will evaluate the need and level of dues each year. At the October 12th DDC Meeting the following initial guidelines were voted on and approved by the majority of all Councils present:
We recognize that Council budgets for the 24/25 Fraternal Year have been completed and you did not have the opportunity to include this consideration when you were building your budget. For about 75% of our Councils the charge will be $150 or less, a fairly nominal amount.
Thank you for your anticipated collaboration with this and we hope the “Chapter Dues” program will allow us to continue to provide quality services and communications to and for all Councils in the Dallas Diocese.
Jake Fleischer, President