DDC Knights Meet with Bishop Burns
Dallas Diocesan Knights of Columbus leadership met with Bishop Burns on Tuesday afternoon, September 17, 2019. Some of the items discussed included the upcoming Marches for Life, the Pro-Life March in January, the upcoming Rosary and Consecration of Dallas to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the clergy appreciation dinner in February and our recruiting efforts. This team was pleased to present Bishop Burns with a check for $72,178.02, representing Dallas’ share of the state charity funds contributed by the Dallas councils. Bishop Burns indicated his profound gratitude to the Dallas Knights for this gift, as well as the innumerable ways the Dallas Knights stand with and assist the Catholic Church in his Diocese.
Representing the Knights were Roy Rabenaldt, Diocesan Deputy; Patrick Vlk, Dallas Diocesan Chapter President; and Assistant Diocesan Deputies Mike Courtney and Jack Gunn.