DDC Organizational Meeting July 2018

DDC Organizational Meet 2018 - 2 of 9

DDC Organizational Meeting July 2018

The Dallas Diocese Chapter Organizational meeting took place on Saturday July 14, 2018 from 8 AM til Noon.

Diocesan Deputy Roy Rabenaldt opened and conducted the meeting with Fr. Morris doing the opening prayer while DM SK Pat Conway lead us in the Pledge and Opening Ode.

Jack Gunn and Reed Fontenot reviewed Supreme’s and State’s Faith in Action program utilizing projected graphics and videos.

The Committee of 1000 & RSVP Program directors, Mike Greene and John Little presented a check to Fr Edwin Leonard.

Presentations were made by the following directors:

1. Dallas Diocese Chapter – Patrick Vlk, President and Jorge Ruiz, PR Director
2. Insurance – John Regan
3. 4th Degree – Pat Conway
4. Wheelchair Mission – Bill Weber
5. Football Sweepstakes – John Plote
6. Pro-Life and Hike for Life – Tom Clark
7. the 56th Annual KofC Bob Stras Dallas Classic Basketball Tournament – Jake Fleischer
8. Silver Rose – Isaac Sandoval
9. Chaplain’s Report – Fr Morris
10. Questions and recap – Roy Rabenaldt