Msgr. Bell and Brother Knights,
Our Lady of Angels Council 13044, in Allen and the Dallas Diocese, held a very successful 6th Annual Wheelchair Sunday over the past two weekends. They collected $19,177 at the Masses and $2,950 was received online, for a total of $22,127 for 147 wheelchairs.
Since it is estimated that each wheelchair delivered changes and improves an average of 10 lives, they will impact the lives of 1,470 people. Their funds will go towards providing a large container of 280 wheelchairs for the Chiapas CRIT Center in Mexico.
There were 3 Our Lady of Guadalupe lithographs given to donors of $500 or more. More lithographs could have been given out, but the donors were just glad to make a donation to the mission.
Thank you so much to Msgr. John Bell for his awesome support again this year and to Brother Brad Meyer for coordinating the event all 6 years, helping at all the masses and reading the pulpit talk. Thanks also to Brad’s daughter, Morgan, who again read the pulpit talks with him. Many thanks to the parishioners of Our Lady of Angels for their generosity in providing these life changing wheelchairs.
God bless all of you.
Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman