St. Mark the Evangelist Wheelchair Sunday Update
Father Jason and Brother Knights,
Santa Maria Council #6065, at St. Mark the Evangelist in Plano and the Dallas Diocese, held a very successful 6th Annual Wheelchair Sunday over the past two weekends. $36,000 was collected at the Masses and $3,535 was received online, for a total of $39,535 for 263 wheelchairs. Their funds will go towards providing wheelchairs for the Chiapas, Chihuahua, and Durango CRIT Centers in Mexico.
There were 24 Our Lady of Guadalupe lithographs given to donors of $500 or more.
Thank you so much to Fr. Jason Cargo, for his awesome support by allowing the Knights to read a pulpit talk at all the Masses. Thanks also to Brother Charlie Minjares for coordinating the event all 6 years and helping at all 8 Masses each weekend. Thank you to Brother Bill Butcher for reading the pulpit talk at all 4 of the English Masses. Thanks also to the Brother Knights that read the pulpit talk at the 4 Spanish Masses and to the many Knights that helped. And many thanks to the parishioners for their generosity in providing all these life changing wheelchairs.
God bless all of you.
Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman
Dear Fr. Jason and Brother Knights,
Thank you so much for your wonderful support of our life changing mission!
You will help us answer the prayers of entire families with the gift of mobility.
The children who receive the wheelchairs can start school and be a part of family activities. Being included is so important in the hearts and minds of the children we touch, and hope for the future becomes possible.
Thank you, thank you, and God bless you.
Christopher J. Lewis
American Wheelchair Mission
2505 Anthem Village Drive, Suite E 602
Henderson, Nevada 89052 USA
(702) 580-0705
Answering Prayers with the Gift of Mobility Worldwide