Texas Brother Knights,

Dallas Diocese Chapter Wheelchair Program
October 30, 2023
- As of September 30th, 14 Dallas Diocese Councils have donated $45,029 to the American Wheelchair Mission for 300 wheelchairs. The State total is $124,543 for 830 wheelchairs.
- The goal is to have each Council participate in the Wheelchair Program by donating at least $150 for one wheelchair.
- The goal for District Deputies is to have at least one of their Councils hold a Wheelchair Sunday.
- Wheelchair Sundays are the most effective way to raise funds for the Wheelchair Program and are also a good way to recruit new members. Basically, they are reading a pulpit talk of around 3 minutes at all the Masses over a weekend, collecting funds and handing out donation envelopes.
- St. Pius X Council #14568 in Dallas held a Wheelchair Sunday over two weekends in August and raised $32,357 for 215 wheelchairs. Thank you so much to Brother Eduardo Valenzuela for coordinating the event and for all his help at the Masses.
- Wheelchair Sundays scheduled in the Dallas Diocese for the rest of the fraternal year:
- St. Mark the Evangelist Council #6065 in Plano – October 21-22 & October 28-29
- Our Lady of Angels Council #13044 in Allen – October 28-29 & November 4-5
- St. Andrew Kim Council #17146 in Irving – November 18-19
- Mary Immaculate Council #5052 in Farmers Branch – November 25-26
- St. Luke Council #5243 in Irving – January 13-14
- St. Michael the Archangel Council #9903 in McKinney – February 17-18
- Prince of Peace Council #11716 in Plano – February 24-25 & March 2-3
- St. Jude Council #11293 in Allen – April 6-7
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council #7850 in Plano – June 8-9
- Wheelchairs are available in Plano in 4 sizes.
- Please contact Bill Weber at 214-405-8023 or yankeesweb@tx.rr.com, if you have any questions, need any wheelchairs or need any help holding a Wheelchair Sunday.
Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman
Plano, TX