RSVP Report DDC 2023-2024

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Dallas Diocese Chapter, 2023-2024 RSVP Report on Seminarian Support

Worthy Officers, DDs, GKs, FNs, and Brothers (and Rev. Bishops Burns and Kelly and Fathers Mark, Zach, Vincent, Fernando, Alan, and Loyd):

I am attaching my Fourth set of RSVP reports for this fraternal year concerning our Diocesan RSVP Program for seminarian support.

  1. As a reminder, we’ve upped our Diocesan goal this year, and now aim to provide each of our Diocesan seminarians with at least 3 sponsors of $500.00 each.   We have 58 seminarians in formation for the Dallas Diocese this year (6 of them are new).   Our secondary goal is to get all of these men at least one $500 check by October 1, and a second $500 check by January 31.
  2. So far, so good.  All 58 seminarians have at least 2 sponsors pledged, and all but 3 of our 58 Diocesan seminarians have received at least 2 RSVP checks.  We have 3 men who have only received 1 check to date.  We have 15 Diocesan seminarians (all at Redemptoris Mater) who still need a third sponsor — they are highlighted in green in the attached reports.   Those men are still eligible for additional sponsorships.  43 of our 58 seminarians have 3 or more  sponsorships pledged.  They are highlighted in rose in the attached reports, and are not eligible for further sponsorships until we get all of our seminarians to our goal of 3 sponsorships.
  3. At the moment, I have heard from 37 Councils, 5 Assemblies and 1 Squire Circle.  Those groups have pledged a total of 193.40 sponsorships ($96,700), and already funded 168.40 sponsorships ($84,200).  There are 10 Councils and 1 Assembly that participated in the program last fraternal year that I’ve not yet heard from.  I’ve identified below (by District) the Councils that participated last year that I’ve not heard from this year, and included the number of sponsorships each Council funded last year.
    1. District 103:        12300 (2)
    2. District 105:        4370 (1)
    3. District 106:        7438 (1), 8954 (4)
    4. District 108:        15033 (6)
    5. District 109:        17111 (1)
    6. District 112:        11937 (2)
    7. District 117:        1289 (1)
    8. District 118:        1353 (2), 5211 (1)
    9. Assembly 3786 (1)

    If you find your Council or Assembly on this list, please let me know your plans for participating in the RSVP program this fraternal year!

  4. There are also 8 Councils and 1 Squire Circle that have pledged one or more sponsorships but have not yet funded those sponsorships (as far as I know).  If your Council or Assembly has pledged to support a seminarian, please try to get those checks out the door ASAP (and send me copies).
  5. The process of supporting a seminarian is simple: 

    First, identify the seminarian(s) your Council or Assembly would like to support (and let me know which seminarians you plan to support).

    Second, issue checks in the amount of $500.00 to your seminarian(s).  Mail the checks to:

    Father Zach Webb
    Director of Seminarians
    3725 Blackburn
    Dallas, Texas 75219

    Send me copies of the checks.

    Third, once the check has cleared your bank, complete Form 2863 (to which you must attach a copy of the canceled check, front and back) and submit it to Supreme.

    Fourth, collect your $100.00 refund for every check you write.

  6. For those Councils/Assemblies that have funded your sponsorship pledges, NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBMIT YOUR FORM 2863!  Your refund will be processed far more quickly if you submit your Form 2863 now as opposed to submitting it in June (when every other Council on the planet submits those forms).
  7. The first report is the current list of Diocesan seminarians for this fraternal year.  It also shows which Councils/Assemblies supported these men last year, and identifies our 6 new seminarians with the word NEW.   It also includes the seminarians in formation outside of our Diocese that are supported by Councils or Assemblies this year (or were supported last year).
  8. The second report summarizes how we are doing as a Diocese.
  9. The third report is organized by District (for Councils), Assemblies and Squire Circles.  If you want to see how your particular District, Council, Assembly or Circle is doing, this is the place to look.  It is also the place to check to be sure that your plans have been communicated to yours truly.
  10. If anyone would like to receive these reports in their native Excel form, send me an email and I’ll send them along.
Vivat Jesus!! Viva Cristo Rey!!

SK John J. Little, PGK
RSVP Chairman
Dallas Diocese Chapter

8150 N. Central Expressway, 10th Floor
Dallas, Texas 75206
(214) 573-2307
(214) 394-8658 (cell)