Father Bradley and Brother Knights,
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Council #7850 in Plano, and the Dallas Diocese, held a successful 2nd Annual Wheelchair Sunday over the weekend. They collected $12,212, plus received $7,525 before the weekend and are donating $6,000 from their golf tournament, for a total raised of $25,737 for 171 wheelchairs.
Since it is estimated that each wheelchair delivered changes and improves an average of 10 lives, 1,710 lives will be impacted! Their funds will go towards providing a large container of 280 wheelchairs for the Aguascalientes CRIT Center in Mexico.
There were 5 Our Lady of Guadalupe lithographs given out to donors of $500 or more and numerous donation envelopes handed out.
Thank you so much to Fr. Bruce Bradley for his support of this mission again this year and to Grand Knight Michael Flanagan for his great job again of coordinating the event and helping at all 5 Masses. Thanks also to the other Brother Knights that helped. And thank you to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parishioners for their kindness and generosity in providing all these wheelchairs for children in need.