St. Paul the Apostle Family Fights for the Life of Teenage Daughter
In July of 2021, the family of Jose and Janet Cleto, of St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Richardson, faced the tragedy of their two daughters, Kenia, 18, and Nicole, 9, lying comatose after a car accident. In the case of Kenia, the more seriously injured of the girls, the family faced the choice of giving up hope. Jose and Kenia adamantly refused and turned instead to their faith. The St. Paul Community came together in prayer for the lives of these two girls. The prayers were answered in that Nicole regained consciousness after six weeks. After several months, Kenia also regained consciousness; however, she still cannot move the left side of her body, nor can she speak. Due to the myriad expenses of the parents’ needing to provide home care for both of their daughters, the family had to relocate. They’re still struggling to keep up with the expenses.
This story has deeply touched the hearts of our council members and challenged our Catholic and Knights of Columbus values to help in any way we can.
Council 12021 is promoting a GoFundMe appeal at the following link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/kenia-cleto-recovery-fund?
If you’d prefer to help by sending a check, please write the check to:
Jose Cleto
and mail it to:
Jose Cleto c/o Grand Knight Bill Eldridge
7123 Leameadow Dr., Dallas, TX 75248
Vivat Jesus,
Bill Eldridge, Grand Knight
Council 12021