Texas Wheelchair Mission

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Texas Wheelchair Mission Report

Brother Knights,

Attached is the Wheelchair Mission Donations by Diocese and Council Report as of November 29, 2023 and the Mid Year Meeting Wheelchair Program Report. Diocesan Deputies, please read these reports and forward this email and attachments to your District Deputies.

In July, First Lady Beth Frugé traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico to help distribute wheelchairs. Here is the video from that trip, which will be shown at the Mid Year Meeting this coming weekend: https://youtu.be/nso2bQUAELY?si=BZzCjOeNsm_RCBOW

In November, we were blessed to have 3 priests and a deacon on the Wheelchair Distribution trip to Aguascalientes, Mexico. Again on the trip, families told us they had been praying for a wheelchair and their prayers had been answered. The trip reiterated the immediate impact that one wheelchair can make. Photos from the trip can be found at:


Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman
Plano, TX