The Silver Rose – La Rosa de Plata

Silver Rose

The Silver Rose-La Rosa de Plata

The Silver Rose is coming to our Diocese! We are honored to host the Rose from June 20 thru July 9 in the Diocese of Dallas. I have been asked to coordinate the visit while it is in our Diocese.

For those of you not familiar with the Silver Rose, the tradition symbolizes unity and international brotherhood that has been jointly nurtured by members of the Knights of Columbus.The Silver Rose will go through six parts of Canada and many of our states and end its journey in Mexico. Good Shepherd in Garland has requested to host the Rose on July 2. All other dates are open.

You must have approval of your pastor to host the rose and you are liable for it’s security and safety while in your possession. I am currently handicapped due to a spinal fusion so I am asking that you assume responsibility to transport it to the next parish. Please specify what date you would like to host the rose, first come first served.

Please contact me through email as my phone filters will block your call unless you are on my list.

See Calendar Dates

Viva Cristo Rey

Ed Diaz, Asst. Dallas Diocesan Deputy