Welcome Holy Trinity Council 18262

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Welcome Holy Trinity Council 18262

Brothers All,

I am proud to introduce the 1st New Council for the Great State of Texas in this Fraternal Year, Council 18262 Holy Trinity!

A sincere thank you to Fr. Milton for allowing us to be part of this parish and to the members of the Council that have stepped up to accept the challenge and become one of “These Men We Call Knights”! A special thanks to DD Jack Ayers for his tireless efforts over the course of last fraternal year to make this happen! Great work men and I look forward to working with you going forward!

In the very near future, DD Jack will install the Charter Officers of this Council and I strongly encourage all of you to attend and welcome these new Brother Knights and their families to the Order!

Vivat Jesus,

SK Mike Courtney

Diocesan Deputy – Diocese of Dallas

Congratulations from Jack Ayers

Friday, July 28, 2023

Father Milton Ryan,

I want you to be the first to know that Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council #18262 is a reality.  I want to thank you for all your help and support during the months that we have worked to get this council established.  Your brother Knights look forward to working with you, the other members of the Holy Trinity clergy, and the parish staff to serve the parish and Oak Lawn community.

Vivat Jesus!  Viva Cristo Rey!

Jack Ayers, District Deputy 108

Congratulations from SK Mike Courtney

Friday, July 28, 2023

Fr. Milton and WDD Jack,

Congratulations and thank you for all you have done to make this Council a reality! As the Diocesan Deputy for the Diocese of Dallas, please let me know how we can assist Holy Trinity parish and the community!

Vivat Jesus,

SK Mike Courtney
Diocesan Deputy – Diocese of Dallas

Congratulations from Tom Stanford

Friday, July 28, 2023

Congratulations Holy Trinity knights of Columbus # 18262!  Thank you Fr Milton for your support and guidance. Thank you Brother Jack for you continued leadership and never giving up on our council’s  development.

Vivat Jesus,

Tom Stanford
Knights of Columbus Council 18262

Congratulations from Rick Guzman, Chairman, TSC New Council Development

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Congratulations Holy Trinity, it was my pleasure and privilege as the Texas State Chairman for New Council Development to be a Major part of the development of this New Council. From hands on recruiting at Holy Trinity to making dozens upon dozens of phone calls.

Special thanks to DD Jack Ayers and Vice Supreme Master Pat Conway and the Membership Committee, and all the brother Knights and Field Agents who were a major part in recruiting new members.

Last but not least, thanks to the new members who also recruited additional members.

Rick Guzman
Texas State Council
State Chairman – NCD

Congratulations from John Regan

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Excellent News! Thanks for everyone bringing this new center of help to life.

John Regan, CFP, CLU, ChFC, FIC
The Regan Agency

3826 Gilbert Avenue, Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: (214) 526-8555
Fax: (214) 526-3477

Fr. Milton Ryan, C.M.

Fr. Derek Swanson
Parochial Vicar