Where There is a Need, There is “A” Knight!

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Where There is a Need, There is “A” Knight!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022 12:08 PM

Worthy Diocesan Deputy and DDC Vice President,

Once again, the Lord moves in mysterious ways. I attended the Council 7850 Membership Meeting last night (St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Plano) and before the meeting Brother Dave Rosengrants asked me if I was the one who sent out the notice about that guy from North Carolina who was seeking aid and companionship from the Knights in the Dallas Diocese. I said yes and explained to him how the request came to us thru CPLC and how we weren’t quite sure how to address it. Well, he got a copy from his Grand Knight and contacted Raphael directly and wound up spending the better part of 2 days with him. He took him to breakfast, took him to Adoration at a local church, escorted him to UT Southwestern and was actually invited in to the consultation with the doctor along with Raphael and spoke to Raphael’s parent’s on the phone 3 times over the 2 days to assure them he was ok. Dave told me so many stories that occurred – too many to relate in an email – but suffice it to say the Lord put Dave there for a reason. Dave (nor probably the Lord) didn’t care what Raphael’s status was as a Knight or that he wasn’t local but he simply saw a traveling stranger in need  and felt the grace to dive in and help. He said there was one other person who visited with Raphael but he believes he was an old school friend, not necessarily a Knight.

As for Raphael, he WAS accepted into the UT Southwestern program by the doctor. Raphael is in dire need of a miracle but he believes that this particular doctor is the best in the country for what he has and his best hope. He will return to Dallas sometime next month for treatment but it is possible Dave will be in Europe during that visit so Dave told the story to his Council and is looking for some folks to jump in and help.

As you both know, we debated for a few days what to do with this unusual request. Over those days there were times where it would have been much easier to simply say “we don’t do that” but the Lord helped us not to do that and gave Dave the grace to do all that he did. While some of us had doubts as to how we could possibly help, Dave had none – he simply went into action. Thank you Dave – you make us all proud to call ourselves Knights. May God bless you for your compassion and care for a stranger in need.

I have copied Dave here as well as his GK and PGK and Jorge please feel free to inform the CPLC how the trip worked out. I guess the “lesson” I walk away from this experience with is to never doubt the power, compassion and charity of the Knights – or even one Knight!


Jake Fleischer
Dallas Diocese Chapter President
District Deputy, District 111