Year End Meeting & Awards Banquet


Year End Meeting & Awards Banquet

Presidents Message:

My sincere thanks goes out to all Brother Knights for a great year in the Dallas Diocese Chapter. Our year end Meeting/Awards Banquet held yesterday evening at council 799 hall was exceptional.

We had over 100 in attendance, and that support was truly heartwarming.

To recap the evening, everyone enjoyed the terrific “Year In Review” slide show presented by Public Relations Director Jorge Ruiz.

We elected a new slate of officers to begin July 1, 2018. They are:

  • President – Patrick Vlk, council 799
  • Vice President – Kenneth Franch, council 12480
  • Secretary – Rich Dake, council 11169
  • Treasurer – Richard Gehring, council 11862

These men are all highly qualified, and with your support will take the DDC to new heights.

Bishop Kelly handed out top honor awards to the best of the best in Dallas. They are:

  • Chaplain of the Year – Fr. Jason Cargo, council 8954 St. Josephs Richardson
  • Grand Knight of the Year – Chris Fowler, council 11862 St. Michaels Garland
  • Council of the Year – Council 8157, Holy Spirit Duncanville
  • Knight of the Year – Bill Weber, Prince of Peace Plano and Harry Storey, All Saints Dallas

As our ‘Special Guest Speaker” Bishop Kelly then gave an inspirational speech about the importance of the Knights to the Dallas Diocese, Parishes, and Community at large. He drew a parallel of today back to the days of our founder, Fr Michael J. McGivney.

DDC 2018 Year End Meeting - 31 of 81
Gary labac, President of the Dallas Diocese Chapter.

Those are the highlights, but I have to mention that the thing that put this evening over the top was that our wives were there too. They got to see firsthand how great the Knights in Dallas truly are.

God Bless all of you and your families,

Gary Labac

Knights of Columbus PGK, FDD,
Asst. Diocesan Deputy
President Dallas Diocese Chapter