Council, Individual and Other Advertising In the 119th Annual Texas State Convention Program
Just a reminder that it is time to place your ads for the Texas State Council Convention Program to support the Convention in Dallas in early May. This is a great way to show your Leadership and Support and also to let the rest of the State know about some of the great things going on throughout our Councils, Assemblies and Dioceses’. We would like to have as many ads as possible committed to before April 1st even though the final artwork and layout deadline is 4/11/23.
You can place your program ad in a couple of ways:
- Consult the State Convention Forms booklet distributed last week by the Texas State Council office.
- Or simply click here to order online: Convention Program Advertising.
Please don’t forget to share with your members that Individual Sponsorships of the Convention are also available for only $40! Simply provide us with your name and any Knights of Columbus titles you hold that you would like included in the book.
Thank you to the Councils, Individuals and others who have already signed up to be Advertisers in our Convention Program. We are about 25% of the way towards our goal for advertising and appreciate the consideration of our remaining Brothers to join them in support. We hope to make this our biggest and best State Convention ever and hope to see you there on May 5th!
Mike Courtney
Dallas Diocesan Deputy
Convention Committee Co-Chair
Reed Fontenot
Texas State Charities Director
Convention Committee Co-Chair