Exemplification Ceremony
WDD’s and Brother Knights,
Not sure about you but I welcome October! I am excited about the cooler weather, hunting season is upon us and the start of a new quarter! I hope that all is well with each of you and yours and pray that this next quarter is a good one for each of you!
September was a better month in regards to membership. As a Diocese, 23 new Knights entered the order! Thanks for your efforts in making this possible. We were 46% of our goal of 50 New Knights but above our August numbers. It is still our moral obligation to invite every practical Catholic man to become a member in our order. Their help is needed more now than ever before!
I am asking each of you to raise the level of importance in membership to all your councils and really strive for more Live Ceremonies. In my request for Exemplifications for September, many of you stated that your councils are doing the on demand ceremony. I am not doubting that some are doing so but I also believe we have created an easy excuse and are hiding behind the on demand ceremony that can be performed at any time. If our councils were all using the on demand, we’d welcome more than 20 members! Membership has been and will continue to be a priority. I ask that you raise the bar here in October and the balance of the 2nd. Quarter.
I have a Diocesan Deputy Meeting in San Antonio next weekend and membership will be a topic of discussion. Please provide me with the following information no later than Tuesday Oct. 6.
- Live Exemplification Plan in October 1, 2020
- Date
- Location
- Councils Planning an On Demand Ceremony
- Date
- Council
- # of Degree Teams in your District
- Council Name & #
- Your District Goal for New Members (Diocesan Goal = 54 New Members)
I would also like to know how many councils are actually holding LIVE Council Meetings.
Brothers, it is extremely important that we once again be the leaders in our Diocese. As I stated in an email earlier this week, people are looking for anyone to step up and lead; let’s make it the Knights of Columbus that will lead. I am sure many will follow!
Thank you for all you do and I look forward to getting your information no later than Tuesday 10-6. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Vivat Jesus,
SK Mike Courtney
Dallas Diocesan Deputy
Let’s get it done. Back to Basics, No Excuses