Pro Life News – August 2021
Brothers all,
To those of you that I met at the Dallas Org Meeting it was indeed a pleasure. Getting to see everyone in person was truly wonderful – I know CV-19, and its variants, have caused a lot of disruptions – I pray we are near the end of this dreadful event in our history.
Worthy District Deputies – During the Org meeting I requested a form be filled out from each GK – asking a few questions about Pro-Life activities in their councils – but what I REALLY needed was a secondary point of contact to send the Pro Life monthly updates to – so that it would get read and disseminated to the Council.
The following councils provided email addresses to me to build up a mailing list:
- 11862
- 10646
- 6402
- 17111
- 13520
- 11414
- 8954
- 12300
- 11293
- 12153
- 9337
- 11716
District Deputies – There are lots of missing councils – which means I do not have an e-mail to send the monthly notes to and this will certainly cause an issue very soon when the call for the Hike for Life and 40 Days for Life comes out later this month – please provide me with the GK’s name and email address for the councils missing from the list above – I will work with them to ensure the monthly notes go to them or whomever they nominate.
For this note please do forward to all your councils so that they will get the attachments included in this email. Thank you so much!
As some of you know there was a Pro Life sidebar meeting during the Org meeting. The idea was for you to bring along someone from your Council to go to the Pro life meeting so that we could discuss the events that are upcoming and the needs of the Pro life ministries in the area. It was not well attended so that means the items that were discussed did not go out to the majority of the Councils in Dallas. There was a lot of info that you need to know about so please distribute this note to your Councils ASAP.
Enclosed are the slides that we when through – so will not make a lot of sense without an explanation – so I invite you to ask your Pro Life Chairman to read the enclosures and to send me a note or call me – I will gladly discuss this with them.
Thank you all dear brothers – I am looking forward to serving you again this year.
However I do have some extra help this year – Chris Gladu (Council 11862) has accepted my invitation to be the Dallas Assistant Diocesan Pro Life Chairman – Brother Chris – Thank you – looking forward to working with you.
Blessings to all,
Tom Clark
Texas State Pro Life Chairman
President – Hike for Life Inc