Texas Wheelchair Mission

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Texas Wheelchair Mission Report

As of August 31, 2023

First Lady and Texas Brother Knights,

Diocesan Deputies, please forward this report to your District Deputies.

Attached is the report of the Wheelchair Mission Donations by Diocese and Council received as of August 31, 2023. Thank you and God bless you to the First Lady’s Initiative and the 41 Councils that have donated a total of $94,244 for 628 wheelchairs this fraternal year. At this time last fraternal year, 46 Councils and 1 Assembly had donated $63,301 for 422 wheelchairs.

The goal for District Deputies, this fraternal year, is to have all their Councils participate in the Wheelchair Program by donating at least $150 for one wheelchair and have at least one of their Councils hold a Wheelchair Sunday.

Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person.

Please make checks payable to American Wheelchair Mission and include the attached donation form. To donate online, please visit amwheelchair.org/donate and select “Knights of Columbus” in the Campaign field and enter your Council Number in the Organization/Council field.

If you have any questions about the Wheelchair Program, need help with a Wheelchair Sunday, or need wheelchairs, please contact me in Plano at yankeesweb@tx.rr.com or 214-405-8023 or Assistant Wheelchair Chairman Brian Nelson in San Antonio atabn091951@gmail.com or 210-275-7921.


Brother Bill Weber
Texas Wheelchair Chairman
Plano, TX